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7 TV shows you should be watching in 2015

Start off your New Year with some new telly.

IT’S JANUARY, AND everyone is trying to make good on those New Year’s resolutions. But let’s face it – it’s still cold out, and you’d much rather be in front of the fire with a cup of tea and a good TV show, wouldn’t you?

What’s even more tempting is that literally every single one of your favourite shows are returning in early 2015, AND there’s going to be some new telly to sink your teeth into.

House of Cards Season 3

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After a second season that can only be described as explosive, Kevin Spacey’s villainous Frank Underwood is back for more. Now Frank has achieved his ultimate goal – where can he go from there?

The whole third season will be available for streaming from February 27. Prepare to binge watch.

Girls Season 4

Girls-Season-4-Poster Source: Hypable

Has Girls really been around for four seasons already? The titular ‘Girls’ would want to get a move on and become women, right?

Well that’s exactly what’s going to happen, if the tagline for the new season is anything to go by. Hannah (Lena Dunham) has upped sticks for grad school in Iowa – will this be the kick up the bum she needs?

The first episode of the polarising dramedy airs in the US on January 11, and makes its way over here to Sky Atlantic soon after.

Game of Thrones Season 5

five-character-posters-and-teaser-for-game-of-thrones-season-4 Source: Squarespace

After the last season, you may be wondering how Game of Thrones can get any darker – but they’re telling us it will be, with both Sansa and Arya’s storylines expected to take a turn for the bleak.

Though no official air date has been set, it’s expected to return in April. A new website called The Three Eyed Raven is offering fans ‘visions of the future’ (AKA tidbits from the new episodes) – sign up for updates.


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Aidan Gillen stars as controversial Taoiseach Charlie Haughey in this unmissable new drama from RTÉ, which covers his career from 1979-1992. His right-hand man, press secretary PJ Mara, will be played by King Nidge himself, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor.

The three-part series will air weekly on RTÉ One, starting on Sunday January 4 at 9.30pm. Set your Sky Box to record.

Parks and Recreation Season 7

poster parks and rec Source: ImgArcade

The end is nigh – the seventh and final season of the much-loved comedy premieres on February 24 over in the US. There have been no clues yet as to how the show will wrap up, but no doubt it will have us reaching for the tissues.

We’re going to miss the Parks Department gang. Bye bye, L’il Sebastian. :(

Broad City Season 2


This Amy Poehler-produced comedy about two BFFs trying to make their way in New York city completely took over the internet last year (if you haven’t heard of it, here’s why you should be watching).

Last season featured cameos from some of the biggest names in US comedy (the Amys Schumer and Sedaris, and Fred Armisen, to name but a few), and from the trailer it looks like Seth Rogen will be making an appearance. Season 2 starts on January 14 on Comedy Central in the US.

Red Rock

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TV3 is trying to get in on the soap game with Red Rock, which will air twice a week from early January. Love it or hate it, this is the first new Irish soap to be produced in years, and we’re excited to see what happens.

Based around a Garda station in a fictional Co Dublin town, Red Rock will explore a bitter feud between two families, the Hennessys and the Kielys. Juicy.

Love/Hate caused the single biggest spike in Irish Twitter traffic this year>

9 things we learned behind the scenes of TV3′s new soap Red Rock>

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